Business Name Registration
Starting a business as a sole trader and registering a business name is the simplest form of business structure and is relatively inexpensive to set up. An individual, company, trust, joint venture, or partnership can register a business name.
If you are trading or intend to trade under a name other than your own personal name, then you must register a business name with ASIC. If you have a company and are trading under a name other than the company name, then you must register a business name. You can register more than one business name under your ABN if you have multiple businesses.
Business Name Registration services provided:
Checking availability of the business name and assist you to choose a name that is not identical to an existing name;
Preparation and lodgment of the business name registration with ASIC;
Provide you with a copy of the registration form lodged with ASIC;
Provide you the ASIC Record of Registration;
ABN Registration (if applicable).
To apply for a business name, the business name holder must have an ABN (Australian Business Number). If you do not have an ABN we can apply for an ABN for you, an additional $50.00 fee will apply.
If you choose to appoint Qorporate Services as the ASIC Agent you will also receive the renewal services listed below under the business name renewal services section, renewal fees will apply every one or three years depending on your business name registration period. Many of the other providers do not offer renewal services and ongoing management of the ASIC compliance for your business name. We provide this service to ensure your business name details are always up to date so you remain compliant with ASIC and to assist you to avoid missing the renewal date as ASIC may cancel your business name.
Please feel welcome to contact us if you need assistance completing the registration form or if you have any queries.
Business Name Renewals & Changes
Fees include the ASIC renewal fee for registration. Registration renewals will be issued every one or three years, depending on your registration.
Services provided:
Appoint Qorporate Services as ASIC Agent;
Send you reminders of the due date for the renewals of the business name;
Preparation and lodgment of the renewal of the business name registration with ASIC;
Provide you with a copy of the renewal registration form lodged with ASIC;
Provide you an updated ASIC Record of Registration;
Unlimited address updates for the business address and ABN holder with ASIC.
Transfer of Ownership of a Business Name
Fees exclude the ASIC fees.
If the person or organisation that holds the business name registration changes, you need to transfer the registration.
Services provided:
Preparation and lodgement of statutory forms with ASIC to notify them of the transfer;
Remove your details from the business name registration;
Provide you with a transfer number to provide to the new business owner to have their Registered Agent register the business name for them.
If you are the new owner we can register the business name with a transfer number provided by the previous business owner;
Prepare and lodge statutory forms with ASIC;
Update the business name registration details.
We can provide the full service above for both the old and new owner if applicable or if you are wanting to transfer your business name to a different ABN that you or one of your companies /trust hold.
The person buying/receiving the business name needs to pay an ASIC fee. All fees charged by ASIC are GST free. We will add the ASIC fee to our invoice and make the payment to ASIC for you if we are completing the full process. If the new owner is having another agent finalise the transfer, they will need to discuss the ASIC fees and payment with their agent.
Cancellation of a Business Name
ASIC fees are not applicable.
Services provided:
Lodgement of statutory forms with ASIC to notify them of the cancellation;
Provide confirmation of the cancellation;
Cancel ABN & GST if applicable.
After the request of cancellation has been lodged to ASIC it takes up to 28 days for the business name cancellation to be finalised by ASIC. Due to covid-19 there have been delays on ASIC's end causing the cancellations to take between 1-3 months.
Disclaimer-Qorporate Services does not provide accounting, financial or legal advice. We do not take responsibility for your legal, taxation or other liabilities which may arise from the work we complete from your instructions. Qorporate Services can refer you to qualified professionals who can help you if you would like advice regarding your tax or legal affairs.