Prepare yourselves for an upcoming increase that will have an impact on various ASIC forms and annual review fees.
Here are the details:
Timeliness is key! If you lodge a document with ASIC or make a payment within one month after the prescribed time, you'll encounter a minor leap in the fee. The cost will elevate from $87 to $93. It's a gentle reminder to stay on top of those deadlines and keep your financial adventures in check.
However, be wary of procrastination! Should you decide to lodge a document with ASIC or make a payment more than one month after the prescribed time, be prepared for a more substantial leap in the fee. The cost will ascend from $362 to an intriguing $387. So, be sure to avoid any delays and keep your lodgements swift to avoid this thrilling leap.
For proprietary companies (excluding special purpose companies), there will be an increase in the annual review fees. Prepare for a rise from $290 to $310.
Special purpose companies (proprietary) annual review fees will increase from $59 to $63. It's a minor bump, but every dollar counts!
For a full list of ASIC fee increases, please see ASIC’s website or contact us for more information.