Director Identification Numbers (DIN) coming mid-2021
From mid-2021, existing and new company directors will be required to have a Director Identification Number (DIN). DIN’s will be used to verify the identity of directors, prevent fraud and the creation of false identities.
There will be heavy penalties for any directors who do not apply for a DIN or provide false and misleading information.
Each director can only have one DIN. The DIN implementation will be an inconvenience for directors of multiple companies who have their name listed differently under each entity. For example, under one of the companies the director may not have their middle name listed. In this case the director will need to have their name updated with ASIC to include their middle name under that company before applying for a DIN.
We will provide further updates on DIN's soon.
Qorporate Services will provide the services to apply for DIN's, please do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance applying for a DIN when they are required.
See the link below and contact Qorporate Services for more information.