All directors must have a Director ID Number before registering a company in Australia.
Directors are responsible for keeping their personal details up to date for their Director ID Number. When a client requests your firm to update their personal details with ASIC for their director positions held, it is a perfect opportunity to remind your clients to update their details with the ABRS for their Director ID Number and on their MyGov. Helping your clients to remember to keep their details up to date with the ABRS will assist with a smooth transition once the ABRS begins to link the Director ID Numbers with companies and ensure your clients are fully compliant. How to view and update DIN's If directors have a myGovID with at least a Standard identity strength, they can log in to ABRS online. Directors can then view and update their details anytime. Directors can also check their Director ID Number status and when it was issued. If directors don’t have a myGovID, and want to find their director ID number or update their details, they can phone the ABRS. If the directors can't phone the ABRS or update their details online, they can use this form – Update your personal details (NAT75330, PDF, 343KB).
How to apply for a Director ID Number To apply for a Director ID Number you will need to firstly setup a MyGovID. Please see the link below for instructions to help you setup your MygovID.
To apply for a Director Identification Number you will need the required documentation to verify your identity:
your tax file number (TFN)
your residential address as held by the ATO
information from two documents to verify your identity.
Examples of the documents you can use to verify your identity include:
bank account details
an ATO notice of assessment
super account details
a dividend statement
a Centrelink payment summary
PAYG payment summary.
You will then be able to login into the ABRS and complete a form to apply for a Director Identification Number. Please use the link below to access the ABRS to complete your online application for your Director Identification Number.
If you have any queries, please email